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Sunday, June 7, 2015

I Am Driving Myself Crazy

Sunday morning, ahhh, a beautiful day outside, sun is shining, it’s cool…think I’ll get my coffee and check out the newspaper.  Oh wait, I better check my email, see what my jewelry group has been up to since yesterday.   Oh look, Laura Bracken has a new post to her blog that looks interesting. I’ll just read that first.

Great post.  I AM driving myself crazy with marketing instead of just making jewelry.

Laura, you hit the nail on the head!!'re still doing better at this than me. You manage to find time to keep up your blog!  I haven't been around much during the last week.  That's because I spent so much time in front of this computer "trying" to do social media that I have totally blown out my lower back as well as managing to raise my stress level around 75%.  I have been reduced to sleeping in the downstairs recliner.

On Pinterest, you're verified?  Read all about this at one point only to find out I couldn't "get" verified because I didn't have a stand alone website.  You have a business account? Rich pins? I read all about this too but couldn't figure it out.  You're using promoted pins?  Hmmm...I wonder what that means and you've signed up for buyable think?.. I read the first sentence in those instructions and thought "oh no, dolphin talk" again.

Ahhh, I just had an idea...maybe I can do a blog post answering your blog post and then I could post a link to your blog post and then..oh yeah, I never can figure out how to do those links..but I'll just do it anyway and hope for the best.  OMG, it's happened again,  my mind is racing, thoughts are zooming around in my brain a mile a minute and I'm on my first cup of coffee!!!!  My back is killing me, that nerve is all irritated in my neck again and I just woke up half an hour ago.  Where is that Sunday newspaper?  Bye. 

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